Tomorrow, 4th Dec 2015, is ‘Fiver Friday’ on the RTE RADIO 1 Joe Duffy show.
The idea behind ‘Fiver Friday’ is to encourage people to spend an extra fiver locally to boost the economy and support local jobs.
As part of this event, Core Credit Union will enter every Member who carries out a transaction in the Credit Union on the 4th Dec 2015 into a draw for a €5 voucher which can be used in a local business.
There will be 25 voucher given out in total over the 5 offices.
Next week we will run the draw for the vouchers and contact the 25 winners directly.
We are asking all local businesses to accept these vouchers as payment / part-payment for good and services, and they can be redeemed by calling Darren in Core Credit Union on 01 272 5615.

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